Improve on Strength or Weakness

Do you improve on your strength or work on your weakness? An age old question that we often try to juggle both. But there’s only so much time have in this world. So if you have to focus MORE time on one area which would it be? The strength? or the weakness?

I posted this question to my friends while chatting over a prata supper. Mei Xiang came up with a pretty good answer for this one, she refered to an example in Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, where in the book, he explained that to be successful, you do not need to be the best in the field, just like the person with the highest IQ does not necessary with be a nobel prize winner, nor the tallest person not necessary be the best basketball player. However, there’s always a baseline for it, for example, an IQ of ard 140 & above with get u closer to a nobel prize, and a basketball player needs to be at least 180cm etc.

She further pointed out a flaw in my view, where i started focusing improving on my weakness rather than my strength. say for example, creativity. I dun feel that i can ever be as creative the likes of the creative directors i worked with in Y&R advertising film. and that even though i worked on my weakness, i was frustrated with the process, because i dun enjoy it at all. She said that i tried to be the best, and that causes me to undermined or “belittled” my own strengths instead of valuing it. my tendencies to compare myself with others are hence the source of my unhappiness too. Now the problem with aiming for the stars is that if you reached the mood, you won’t feel happy. But success is a process, if you dun celebrate reaching moon, how can you even reach the stars. because you can’t reach the stars feeling lousy on your way towards it. A winning attitude is just as important as reaching the stars.  Believe yourself, do your best, celebrate the successes, and thanks god for the blessings.

So you want to be a millionaire?

These figures may give you a good idea where you want to be in you want to be a millionaire in Singapore.

Millionaire is defined as someone with more than 1 million USD in assets, less your house, car and collectibles.

In Singapore, total population in 2009 is 4,839,400.

estimated number of millionaires in 2009 is 61,000.

That means 1.26% of the population is millionaire. Roughly 1 in a 100

If you want to be a HNWI (High Net-worth Individual) you must have 5 million USD in assets excluding house, car & wine collection.

A report also shows that in 2007 55,000 millionaire in Singapore owns 260 billion USD worth of assets. That’s roughly 5million for each millionaire.

Well, if you just wanna do better than the average, here’s the median for income of singapore 2009, according to : $52,350.

Building Customer Trust & Loyalty

Both selling and influencing suffer from the similar misconception that success requires you to aggressively or cleverly push a product or idea. This misunderstanding leads to inappropriate behaviours. For example, people can become evasive, “pushy”, and aggressive, or overly talkative and agreeable. Selling and influencing depends on getting behavior right, by moderating openness and assertiveness with warmth and competence. Combined with a great product or brand, this goes a long way to building customer loyalty.

Numerous products or services in the market today suffers from what i called “imperfect” products, something that does not really satisfy the need or desire of the customers completely, hence requiring the use of hard selling stance.

Dun sell what u won’t buy.

My resolution 2010

What do i really wanna do and achieve in 2010?

I’m really sick and tire of being low esteem when my income is low.

Hence, in this new year i strive to get a comfortable income of 2k take home and above.

Moneywise, it is important to just be damn good at what you are, to strive more than you want.

Relationship wise i learn that it is important to find someone who loves you just as you are, someone who will never make you feel less of yourself.

I must exercise regularly, w at least once a week swimming. once a week jogging. once a week sit up, crunches. one a week shoulder chest. once a week bicep tricep.  My goal is to attain a silver in my napfa test.

I strive to contribute to the community through charity, blood donation and volunteer work to the old folks home, and children home.

EVerything I am grateful for each day

I am grateful for:

Having a father who is so wise, understanding and integrity.

Having a mother who shown humility to living being, striving to be a better a person, one who touches the lives of people around her.

Having a sister who is wise, supportive and always with gd advise.

To have a comfortable shelter

That i strive to be better each day.

To have a family who shown silent support in my endeavours, and believe in me.

To have clothes to wear, food to eat, and clean water and air.

To have friends who loves me for who i am.

To be able to dream of grand lofty goals. Being free to strive to be who i want to be.

To be born in a country that many dream of living in.

To be able to learn from the history of my country

Singapore Success Story

I am really fortunate to be born in a country of miracles. Where the history of my country, Singapore, serves as a role model for me goal to be successful in life.

Singapore was declared independent without any natural resources survive, without army to defend itself and much political unrest. She could have failed miserably, but instead Singapore came to terms with herself to find a way.

Singapore had nothing but people, realising that human capital is singapore best asset, it tapped into its vast potential. It’s amazing what human can do, when decisions are made, goals are set and a clear strategy to get ahead.

Until today, despite the ever changing, ever fast pace in the global arena, Singapore always managed to evolve and see its value in the world.

I have much to learn from what my country has to offer, and keep myself in line with the effort the country made to progress.

A citizen of the country of progress must keep himself abreast and think of the feet.

Your Inner or Soul’s Urge

Number: 8
You desire big affairs and the power to handle them, with success in all material matters. You love organization, construction, finance, and the huge operations of the commercial world. Happiness, for you, is doing things in a big way, getting results. You are generous, large-minded, powerful, and dependable; a natural executive.

You have courage and poise, with the vision, strength, efficiency, excellent judgment, stamina, and determination to succeed. When struggling against opposition you are confident of victory.

Your ability to see the true potential in others may make you seem dominant and exacting; but you never spare yourself, either. You are a power for good. However, if you seek money and control purely for selfish reasons, they will tend to elude you.

For more success and better control, cultivate justice and toleration for the weaker and less efficient.

Your Personality

Number: 1

You present yourself as a special individual, imbued with self-reliance, originality, and strong will power. You often appear witty and dignified, and enjoy being around other go-getters. With a definite goal, you can be enormously productive.

You are prone to self-centeredness and want to be first in all things.

Yours is a likeable personality and can be very persuasive. To enhance this aspect of yourself, wear clothing with straight lines, well-fitted but loose, with bright and cheerful colors. If possible, do not be overweight.

Your Quiescent Self

Number: 1
You are courageous and daring. You enjoy dreaming of accomplishments never before achieved, with yourself as leader or promoter.

Your thoughts and pleasure are related to leadership and expression of your unique self. Also, family and friends are a credit to you, and people recognize your abilities.

Your Destiny or Ultimate Goal

Number: 9

Your destiny is service to mankind and representing all that is fine, true, and generous. This is easier with tolerance, compassion, and understanding. You have tremendous power to warm the hearts of humanity and to stimulate the perception of beauty.

You have an eye for beauty and perfection and are inspirational, kind, understanding, generous, an inspired artist, intuitive, and psychic. You give freely of your emotions, your skill, and your leadership purely for the benefit of mankind. You have the ability to use words effectively and artistically, both written and verbal.

You are artistic, beautiful, strong, courteous, kind, impulsive, emotional, harmonious, and have an impressive personality.

Your Life’s Path

Number: 3

You are following a path of creativity and self-expression through art, beauty, friendliness, happiness, and harmony. Your creative force helps you through the obstacles life sometimes presents for your experience.

You are a welcome addition to most any social gathering. You are a natural host and benefit from socializing. Give of yourself, freely and joyously. You are inclined to be imaginative, inspired, and able to tap deep emotions.

You can express yourself well in artistic endeavors of your choice using colors (such as painting and interior decorating), words (such as public speaking, writing, singing, and acting), and form (such as sculpting)

This Year’s Path

Number: 1
More so than usual, you feel desire to move forward, to improve situations, to assert your individuality, and to get on with life. Reach for opportunities and they will come to you.

Life is beginning anew! Now is the time to put your best foot forward; to take up a hobby or other activity that will freshen your thinking and broaden your general activities; to look ahead.

This is an active year with many decisions to make. Your affairs are making a new start. The next nine years’ experience will depend a great deal on what you do and don’t do this year. It calls for strength of purpose, clear thinking, and listening to your inner voice.

Making Friends

Life is too short to try to make everyone like you. There will always be people who won’t match up with your vibe. But there are plenty of people who do. 

As for ashley, no big deal yea. she dun appreciate you. there are plenty of people who do. people who you will enjoy associating with, as said, life is too short to stay lingering on someone who don’t reciprocate =)

What to say to people? it really doesn’t matter. Most people wants to be approach, desire to have a good conversation, expand their social circle or just get to know someone new. Free them from the boring crowd, bring them to a whole new world =) With beauty joy and hope.

How to win friends & influence people

In a Nutshell Fundamental Techniques In Handling People 

• Principle 1 Don’t criticize, condemn or complain.  

• Principle 2 Give honest and sincere appreciation.  

• Principle 3 Arouse in the other person an eager want. 


In A Nutshell – Win People To Your Way Of Thinking 

• Principle 1 The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.  

• Principle 2 Show respect for the other person’s opinions. Never say, “You’re wrong.”  

• Principle 3 If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.  

• Principle 4 Begin in a friendly way.  

• Principle 5 Get the other person saying “yes, yes” immediately.  

• Principle 6 Let the other person do a great deal of the talking.  

• Principle 7 Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers.  

• Principle 8 Try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view.  

• Principle 9 Be sympathetic with the other person’s ideas and desires.  

• Principle 10 Appeal to the nobler motives.  

• Principle 11 Dramatize your ideas.  

• Principle 12 Throw down a challenge.  


In A Nutshell Be A Leader 

A leader’s job often includes changing your people’s attitudes and 

behavior. Some suggestions to accomplish this: 

• Principle 1 – Begin with praise and honest appreciation.  

• Principle 2 – Call attention to people’s mistakes indirectly.  

• Principle 3 – Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.  

• Principle 4 – Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.  

• Principle 5 – Let the other person save face.  

• Principle 6 – Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement.

   Be “hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise.”  

• Principle 7 – Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to.  

• Principle 8 – Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct.  

• Principle 9 – Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest.