Your Worth

Before an audience of nearly 10,000 people. Gary, a platform speaker,held out a crisp 50 dollar bill and asked them,

“Who would like to have this 50 dollar bill?”

Hands started to go up everywhere.

“I’m gonna give this bill to one of you.” he said.

“But first, let me do this..”

He proceeded to crumple up the bill, then he asked,

“who still wants it?”

The same hands went up in the air.

Well, he continued,

“what if I do this?”

He dropped it on the ground, and started grinding it onto the floor with a shoe.

He picked it up. All crumpled.. and dirty.

“Now. Who still wants it?”

Again. Hands went into the air.

“You have all learnt a valuable lesson” Gary said.

“No matter what i do to the money. You still want it. Because it doesn’t decrease in value. It is still worth 50 dollars.”

Gary’s simple illustration underscores a profound point. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled and ground into the dirt by the decisions we have made, or the circumstances that have come our way. We may feel as though we are worthless. Insignificant in our own eyes and in the eyes of others. But no matter what has happened, or what will happen. We never lose our value as human beings. Nothing can take that away. Never forget that.

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